Kevster888 and HappyTortise's scary stories from their insane minds. Well actually they aren't REALLY insane... OR ARE THEY?!?!

Okay, so here's what happened.
Me and HappyTortise were really bored one night and we made a bunch of trollpastas.
One day I went to the local farmer's Walmart and got a pack of beans. But they were spooky! So I died. Then a skeleton popped out and ate the beans. But he didn't die because he was already dead. I guess that makes sense.
Today I ate a raccoon. But I got arrested because the raccoon was part of the illuminati. In fact, he was the illuminati president. But they replaced him with a duck named Bob Saget. Then a skeleton popped out and broke me out of jail. I then went to my local McDonald's and Ronald McDonald turned into a spooky werewolf. Then I pooped on the new president of the illuminati. It made the illuminati mad. But I gave them Nutella and it was okay. Then everyone died except for EVIL PATRIXXX.
One day I was watching My Little Pony. Pinkie Pie was making some cupcakes. Twilight walked in and then a skeleton popped out. I was scared. Pinkie Pie said - And I swear - "Oh no." IT IS TOTALLY A LOST EPISODE YOU GUYS!
Bob was walking down the lonely alleyway. Then a skeleton popped out and shanked Bob. Bob said "Oh no" and

''BLOOD ''

was everywhere! The skeleton said "You must die" then Bob shanked the skeleton. The skeleton said "Oh no" and died. Bob died after that. Everyone was sad. :(
Pear are evil you guys! I'm a pear and I will take your soup! Don't try to stop us! We will tell mom. She will be disappointed. You must listen or illuminati will make a skeleton pop out! Pears will rule the universe! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Beyonce is actually part of the illuminati. How do I know this, you ask? Don't ask questions. Let me tell you what will happen. Beyonce will perform at a concert and a skeleton will pop out. He will say "Beyonce is illuminati MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! Then Beyonce and an army of skeletons will pop out and rule the world. STOP BEYONCE YOU GUYS! SHE WILL MAKE SKELETONS POP OUT! SKELETONS ARE SPOOKY AND WILL MAKE EVERYONE (except for EVIL PATRIXXX) DIE!
Hope you enjoyed reading these trollpastas... THEY ARE ALL TRUE!!!!